The United States Senate has notoriously been called the institution where great ideas go to die. Currently, there are hundreds of good bills passed by the House of Representatives which have yet to be debated by, or even considered by the Senate. Many of these bills are bi-partisan, and many of the critical issues, such as financial reform and fixes to No Child Left Behind, are being shunned by the minority party in the name of politics. This is unacceptable in our current economic condition.
By refusing to let committees meet, and pulling out every possible parliamentary inquiry known to man, Republicans in the Senate have decided not to be part of the practical solutions to the problems facing the nation. Senator John McCain, a man formerly known for reaching across the aisle despite politics, declared today that any proposed legislation was “dead” because of his party’s bitter feelings over the process of the health care reform debate. This kind of behavior is childish, especially when we are recovering from a nationwide recession.
If this cynical activity is allowed to continue, bills that both sides agree are beneficial will sit and grow dust. Good bills, shunned by a stubborn minority, only to be reintroduced and fall prey to the same viscous cycle. There is serious business before The Senate that must be handled by serious people. We assume that our Senators are those people, that they are reasonable professionals who are elected to work, and not to stall progress.
There is nothing to stop any one Senator from debating their point for or against a bill. Most Americans can respect eloquent argument in the face of tough problems. But, when stall tactics and petty partisan games are used to impede the progress of the nation, it makes an already frustrated American public tune out the political process. In order for the United States to emerge stronger from the past decade, it will be necessary for our leaders to take on the business of the people, not duck from it. Not because of politics, but because the future of our country depends on it.
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